2 min read
Cornerhouse Poster published in Making Posters Book by Scott Laserow & Natalia Delgado
We’re thrilled to have made it into a wonderful new publication, Making Posters – by Scott Laserow & Natalia Delgado.
More than just a book of lovely artwork, Laserow and Delgado cover literally all aspects of poster design and techniques with wonderful examples from history and the present day.
Our poster, created to promote a major Cornerhouse exhibition called UnSpooling, is featured, very appropriately in the Grabbing Attention chapter under Movement.
Other chapters cover: Conceptualising, Execution, Art of Persuasion, Storytelling and Beyond the Printed Surface.
The poster is part of wide range of brand deliverables promoting the exhibition back in 2011, and still remains one of our most popular pieces of work, appearing on many creative blogs.