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The Blueprint Project

The Blueprint Project at the University of Manchester set out to uncover what high quality mental health services had in common.

Blueprint was study funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) that explored services for children and young people with common mental health problems like depression, anxiety and self-harm.

The study aimed to find out what services exist. how children/young people and families find out about and access these services, what the services actually do, and whether they are helpful.

For an upcoming webinar they required an accessible, jargon free animated summary of the research, outcomes and the subsequent model that was established defining the characteristics of high quality services.

With a plain and off-white background, the text “What does high quality mean?“ is written in bold letters with question mark signs all around, on the left side is a rectangule containing various coloured upward arrows.
The words: “Common mental health problems” a displayed in a box at the top of the scene. Three people, a boy, a teenage boy and a teenage girl are in the middle. The girls is waving at the viewer. Two plants at either side of the frame, and three expressions “Depression”, “Anxiety”, “Self-harm” appearing below the characters.
A hand holds a piece of paper with a checklist of “High quality services”. On the checklist is “Accessibility”, “Interagency working”, “Consultation liaison”, “Child-centeredness”, “User involvement” and "Continuity of care”. The other hand holds a pen and the first three attributes have been checked off.
The word “CHANGE” is displayed in bold and capitals on the centre of the scene, with colourful stars twinkling all around it.
We see three different groups of people. The first one is of a young boy and a girl with a footer saying “Children and young people”, the second one consists of an adult man, a young girl, and an adult woman, with a “families” title below them, and the last one is a single man wearing an identity card, titled “staff”.
Three people, a “teacher”, “doctor”, and a “CAMHS (Children and Adult Mental Health Services) worker” are in the centre of the screen interacting with each other. A footer below them says “Collaborative relationships”.
Two values, “Privacy” and “Safeguarding”, on a weighing scale, with both containers carrying a young boy. The footer says “Values that respect confidentiality” and the visual is a metaphor for weighing up privacy with safeguarding.
The header says “Core elements”, below which are numbers “1 2 3 4” each in different colour, all in the centre of the page. The footer says “Underpinning characteristics”. This scene is representative of the core elements and underpinning characteristics of the model of high quality mental health services for children and young people as developed by the Blueprint research project.
The header reads “Core elements” again, and again the footer reads “underpinning characteristics”. This time the numbers in the middle have been replaced with the words: “Confidentiality”, “Engagement”, “Trust”, “A learning culture”. These are the underpinning characteristic of high quality mental health services for children and young people as identified by the Blueprint model.
A young person’s hand reaching towards an adult’s hand, with stars twinkling all around
We see 6 colourful rectangular cards in 2 rows of three. They are listing the International research that was carried out during the early stages of the project: 342 services, 300+ documents, 98 empirical papers, 56 effectiveness papers, 62 acceptability papers and 7 broad model types. A magnifying glass hovering over the second card, representing the practice of research.
A large group of people, diverse in age, ethnicity, gender and profession, are displayed. There are colorful stars twinkling all over in their surroundings.


Screen shot of some of the scenes, voiceover and action notes from the Blueprint Project storyboard created using Boords app.

Screen shot of the Blueprint Project storyboard in Boords app.

We commissioned Love & Logic to help us share our research findings on children and young people's mental health services in an engaging and accessible format. We are absolutely delighted with the animation and it has been a pleasure to work with Angela from start to finish.

Claire Fraser, University of Manchester See review on Google